I've been travelling for work the past week, so not much bento news, though if people are interested, I can offer a full review of the University of Windsor's catering service (here's a tip - don't eat the muffins). I was pleasantly surprised on the way out, I flew Porter Air, a new regional airline that serves free food! Including, an adorable little box with a racoon on the cover that featured half a sandwich, a Babybel, some crackers, napkins and a piece of chocolate. It was bento-licious. Sadly, I didn't take the camera. So this picture of Mr. Porter will have to do.

Soooo....what was wrong with the muffins?
Oh the muffins. What wasn't wrong? Mostly, they were so dry they actually sucked the moisture out of your body. And flavourless. One of my conferencemates started eating one and couldn't finish the bite, much less the muffin. I've never appreciated U of O's catering service more.
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